Sunday, January 31, 2016

Design Corner #1

Designing is a fun, yet hard thing to do. I love the feel when you finish a design and can call it yours. This is one of the main reasons that I wanted to start this part of my blog. Today's design tip will be: Cables!

Cables are such a good thing to use when designing a hat or anything. They add Character to the design and warmth to the fabric. When using cables, make sure that you add ease into the design, because cables will pull the fabric together.  Cables are also a good alternative for ribbing. If you use it for ribbing it adds the looks to the rib, but still has the stretchy-ness of a normal 2by2 rib. Consider using cables on the edges of shawls, blankets, and anything flat, because it does not allow the fabric to curl.

Well that was my quick thought that I wanted to share with you, Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Weekend Recap #1

Here's to Weekend Recap #1!

So this week was a busy week in my life, I started my own website on Monday and was trying to build that up. I also got ALOT of knitting done! But the week flew by really quick and didn't realize how much I actually got done. Well any ways, I will first share what I finished. 

My fist project was another Snoodie hat, from the pattern that I designed.  It is made from Isaac's color way Merino blend, which was very soft considering it was 50% acrylic. That pattern is aw-fly fun and i am definitely going on work on another one. 

The next Project was a design I was working on, the Riptide Beanie, It was knitted with Jubilation Kettle dyed Merino Yarn.  It is 2by2 rib, which makes it extra stretchy. I would change how long I knitted it, though. It is a little tight, when i wanted it to be a slouchy. But over all I liked the hat. Merino yarn is so luxurious to work with and it makes the project so much fun! The pattern is a breeze and it was a great movie project... I would like you guy's opinion. does the variegated yarn take away from the ribbing? Any ways that was a fun project. 

The next one was a crochet pattern from Repeat Crafter Me. It the baby owl hat... isn't it so adorable! The pattern was a perfectly written pattern and great overall. I messed up with the eye though so the left one is smaller than the right, it sorta makes it look like the owl from the Tootsie Pop Commercial!

I made 3 crocheted beanies, to go into my shop, so if you head over there you can see those.


Right now on my needles I have 1 pair of socks, which I am about to give up on...

I have a baby sweater which will probably be done by next weeks post, and that is it for my wips.


So this week I ordered some wool yarn on etsy. It is 100% wool, and is sorta scratchy, so the shop owner told me to wash it... HOW DO YOU WASH A HUGE HANK OF YARN?!!  If yo know how to please tell, because I don't know anything about wool, or animal fiber...

Another random fact is that Cables are in right now.. so if your a designer and want to make something that gets hits, use  cables.

Well that's it for the Weekend Recap, remember it is my first one, so its a little choppy. Thanks for stopping by, and please Subscribe!

Purpose of The Knit and Purl

I have started this blog, to share my thoughts about crafting (specifically Knitting). I am a crocheter, knitter and sewer, and own my own business, I have been knitting for 8 years and crocheting for 2, so I thought I could share some of the things I have learned along my journey. 

I will post a weekly "Weekend Recap", which basically tells you what I am working on, what I messed up with and everything in between.

I will also post a weekly, "Design Corner", which will be a post about how to design knitted clothes, hats, anything. It will also include some crochet. 

These will be my main post in the week, but I somehow know that there will be more. So if you want to walk with me in my knitting journey, please subscribe to this blog, tell me what you want to read about, what you have questions on, etc. 


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Knitting Goals for 2016

I noticed that people are doing these more, often now... and I know it is almost the end of January, but why not try!
(ps I am not much of a goal driven person so this is new)

1.) Knit with animal fiber
     I always use acrylic yarn because it is quick to get and cheap. I thought that I can boost my confidence in knitting if I use more expensive yarn. I think I would focus more...

2.) Try other peoples patterns
      This might seem conceded, but I only use my patterns, or I make stuff up as I go. Other peoples patterns, I am not really drawn to, but I am going to start, this is going to lead to my next point.
 Some I think i am going to try:
- The Across the Pond Shawl, designed by Mina Philipp
- The Fidra Hat
-Damask Rose
-Trill Sweater.

3.) Knit 12 Pairs of socks.
Pretty self explanatory

4.) Design a book.

5.)Knit for charity.
- I always want to help out the society, this is a good way to right?

These will be all for now... but looking forward to updating them! :)


Today I wanted wool socks, but they are so expensive!!! Then I thought of knitting them. I have been horrified of knitting socks, because small yarn and small needles to me equal catastrophic mistakes.
​     Joann's ,Patons sock yarn was on sale so I bought some, and started a new journey in my knitting career. I am making them with the pattern by Virginia Rose-Jeanes, the Vanilla Latte Socks. I am ADDICTED! If you have any other sock patterns, please share, because i cannot stop knitting them!